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Step-By-Step Watercare Instructions


Step 1 - starting and filling your hot tub / spa

Starting and Filling Your Hot Tub

  1.  Add a stain and scale product to your spa water as you fill your hot tub with cold water.
  2. Once filled, turn power on, turn all pumps on full, and set desired temperature. Once heated to temperature, use your test strips and adjust as necessary.  ALKALINITY, the PH, then HARDNESS, then add in SANITIZER
  3. Once heated, add your weekly dose of AquaFinesse.
  4. The following day, add your weekly dose of Spa Perfect and rinse your spa filter(s). Use jet pressure.

Step 2 - Weekly maintenance

Weekly Maintenance

  1. Test your water and balance if required.
  2. Check tabs in your dispenser if needed.
  3. Add your weekly dose of AquaFinesse.
  4. Add your weekly dose of Spa Perfect (not on the same day as AquaFinesse).
  5. Rinse your filters with pressure every week. For best results, use a “filter floss” or an “aqua comb”
  Step 3 - Regular Maintenance and Useful Recommendations

Regular Maintenance and Useful Recommendations

  1. Soak your filters monthly using a Filter Cleaner. Rinsing is not enough, you need to soak them to remove oils, organic waste, and calcium.
  2. Make sure your spa filter cycles are set properly. Set and always keep on “standard mode”. Program a minimum of 8 hours per day, F4 or FIL4, see manual for details. Or if equipped with a 24 hour system, program accordingly, see manual for details.
  3. Clean your hot tub using Whirlpool Rinse on a quartly basis. Drain, & wipe down spa. Repeat start up procedure each time you drain and refill. See start and fill section.

Step 4 - Testing Your Spa Water

Testing Your Spa Water

  1. Free Chlorine: Keep levels between 4 and 5. Use Spa-Tabs and/or Chlor-Aid to regulate. 
  2. For Bromine: Keep levels between 2 and 5.
  3. Alkalinity: Keep between 80 and 120. To raise the alkalinity use Alka-Rise, to decrease alkalinity use Ph Reducer.
  4. PH: Keep between 7.2 and 7.8. If it’s low, use Ph Booster, if high use Ph Reducer
  5. Calcium: Keep between 250 - 500. Do not fill with soft water.  (75 hard, 25 soft works) If it’s below 250, use CalRise. 

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